Guide for Filipinos in Italy


International migration is a global phenomenon that involves the movement of people from one country to another for various reasons. The majority of these migrants leave their countries of origin in order to find employment abroad to support their families. Currently, about eight million Filipino women and men, or 10% of the population, are working in different regions of the world. In 2006, there were 113,907 Filipino migrants legally recorded in Italy, and 70,694, or 62.1%, of these are women.

The Filipino community is one of the oldest migrant groups in Italy, and while there are existing governmental and non-governmental organizations that respond to their social and economic concerns, there is an urgent need for materials that consolidate basic information about remittances, the rights and responsibilities of foreign workers, access to social services, and other issues. These materials are designed to better facilitate the social and labour integration of migrants in the host country.

This booklet aims to provide Filipino migrant workers in Italy with concrete information about immigration laws, the sending channels and costs of remittances, available services that promote the migrant’s well being, such as medical care and education, and lists of governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as community organizations that provide assistance to migrants.

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